Travis Ci 监听到 GitHub 仓库发生变化,开始依据 .travis.yml 脚本构建项目;
Travis Ci 构建完成后将生成的最终文件推送到 GitHub;
Permission denied
1 2 3
$ ./ /home/travis/.travis/job_stages: line 104: ./ Permission denied The command"./" exited with 126.
在 .travis.yml的 before_install:阶段添加x权限:
Permission denied (publickey)
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights
If you want to push via ssh then travis needs to have access to the private part of the ssh key you generated. What you want to do is use the travis cli gem to encrypt the private key, add it to your repo and during the deploy stage decrypt it again and use it. Here’s a step-by-step