
How to Set JVM Proxy Setting Without Touching the Code

-X 参数

On the basis of how we specify JVM option it can be divided into two parts, JVM Options which starts with –X and those which starts with -XX:

  1. JVM Options that begin with -X are non-standard (thy are not guaranteed to be supported on all JVM implementations), and are subject to change without notice in subsequent releases of the JDK.
  2. JVM Options or parameters which are specified with -XX are not stable and are not recommended for casual use. These options are subject to change without notice also.

10 Examples of HotSpot JVM Options in Java

【推荐】给 JVM 环境参数设置-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError 参数,让 JVM 碰到 OOM 场
景时输出 dump 信息。
说明:OOM 的发生是有概率的,甚至相隔数月才出现一例,出错时的堆内信息对解决问题非常
// 《阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册 1.4.0pdf - p34》


参数 -D 是 Java 自带的,其功能是通过命令行设置一个 Java 系统属性。

