Only after understanding the surrounding code can you make the necessary modifications.
Note that omitting the return type is allowed only for functions with an expression body
Note that this example shows the only place in the Kotlin syntax where you’re required to use semicolons: if you define any methods in the enum class, the semicolon separates the enum constant list from the method definitions.
The rule “the last expression in a block is the result” holds in all cases where a block can be used and a result is expected. As you’ll see at the end of this chapter, the same rule works for the try body and catch clauses, and chapter 5 discusses its application to lambda expressions. But as we already mentioned in section 2.2.1, this rule doesn’t hold for regular functions. A function can have either an expression body that can’t be a block, or a block body with explicit return statements inside. p41
Just like many other modern JVM languages, Kotlin doesn’t differentiate between checked and unchecked exceptions. You don’t specify the exceptions thrown by a function, and you may or may not handle any exceptions. This design decision is based on the practice of using checked exceptions in Java. Experience has shown that the Java rules often require a lot of meaningless code to rethrow or ignore exceptions, and the rules don’t consistently protect you from the errors that can happen. p48
Note that extension functions don’t allow you to break encapsulation. Unlike methods defined in the class, extension functions don’t have access to private or protected members of the class. p61
Method overriding in Kotlin works as usual for member functions, but you can’t override an extension function. the function that’s called depends on the static type of the variable being declared, not on the runtime type of the value stored in that variable. p64-p65
Note: If the class has a member function with the same signature as an extension function, the member function always takes precedence. You should keep this in mind when extending the API of classes: if you add a member function with the same signature as an extension function that a client of your class has defined, and they then recompile their code, it will change its meaning and start referring to the new member function. p65 //TODO but how to override CharSequence.split, if the member function always takes precedence ???
The destructuring declaration feature isn’t limited to pairs. For example, you can assign a map entry to two separate variables, key and value , as well. p69
The to function is an extension function. You can create a pair of any elements, which means it’s an extension to a generic receiver: you can write 1 to "one" , "one" to 1 , list to list.size() , and so one. Even though the creation of a new map may look like a special construct in Kotlin, it’s a regular function with a concise syntax
1 2 3"one) // ====equivalent==== 1 to "one"
local functions and extensions Kotlin gives you a cleaner solution: you can nest the functions you’ve extracted in the containing function. This way, you have the structure you need without any extra syntactic overhead. (meaning fun in fun) p75
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classUser(val id: Int, val name: String, val address: String)
funsaveUser(user: User) { funvalidate(user: User, value: String, fieldName: String) { if (value.isEmpty()) { throw IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot save user ${}: $fieldName is empty") } } validate(user,, "Name") validate(user, user.address, "Address") // Save user to the database }
Declaring a class as a data class instructs the compiler to generate several standard methods for this class. You can also avoid writing delegating methods by hand, because the delegation pattern is supported natively in Kotlin. p78
This chapter also describes a new object keyword that declares a class and also creates an instance of the class. The keyword is used to express singleton objects, companion objects, and object expressions p78
Unlike Java, using the override modifier is mandatory in Kotlin p79
Whereas Java’s classes and methods are open by default, Kotlin’s are final by default. If you want to allow the creation of subclasses of a class, you need to mark the class with the open modifier. In addition, you need to add the open modifier to everyproperty or method that can be overridden p82
Note that if you override a member of a base class or interface, the overriding member will also be open by default. If you want to change this and forbid the subclasses of your class from overriding your implementation, you can explicitly mark the overriding member as final.(不像java中的修饰符不能缩小权限,kotlin中可以) p83
The meaning of access modifiers in a class (p84)
Corresponding member
Can’t be overridden
Used by default for class members
Can be overridden
Should be specified explicitly
Must be overridden
Can be used only in abstract classes; abstract members can’t have an implementation
Overrides a member in a superclass
Overridden member is open by default, if not marked final
Kotlin offers a new visibility modifier, internal, which means “visible inside a module.” A module is a set of Kotlin files compiled together. It may be an IntelliJ IDEA module, an Eclipse project, a Maven or Gradle project, or a set of files compiled with an invocation of the Ant task. p84
kotlin visibility modifiers (p85)
Class Member
Top-level declaration
Visible everywhere
Visible everywhere
Visible in a moudle
Visible in a moudle
Visible in a subclasses
Visible in a class
Visible in a file
This is a case of a general rule that requires all types used in the list of base types and type parameters of a class, or the signature of a method, to be as visible as the class or method itself. This rule ensures that you always have access to all types you might need to invoke the function or extend a class. p85
Note the difference in behavior for the protected modifier in Java and in Kotlin. In Java, you can access a protected member from the same package, but Kotlin doesn’t allow that. In Kotlin, visibility rules are simple, and a protected member is only visible in the class and its subclasses. Also note that extension functions of a class don’t get access to its private or protected members. p85
The difference is that Kotlin nested classes don’t have access to the outer class instance, unless you specifically request that. p86
A nested class in Kotlin with no explicit modifiers is the same as a static nested class in Java. To turn it into an inner class, so that it contains a reference to an outer class, you use the inner modifier. p88
Class A declared within another class B
In Java
In Kotlin
Nested class (doesn’t store a reference to an outer class)
In Java, as you know, a class can declare one or more constructors. Kotlin is similar, with one additional change: it makes a distinction between a primary constructor (which is usually the main, concise way to initialize a class and is declared outside of the class body) and a secondary constructor (which is declared in the class body). It also allows you to put additional initialization logic in initializer blocks
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// This block of code surrounded by parentheses is called a primary constructor. It serves two // purposes: specifying constructor parameters and defining properties that are initialized by // those parameters. classUser(val nickname: String)
If your class has a superclass, the primary constructor also needs to initialize the superclass. You can do so by providing the superclass constructor parameters after the superclass reference in the base class list:
If you inherit the Button class and don’t provide any constructors, you have to explicitly invoke the constructor of the superclass even if it doesn’t have any parameters:
1 2 3
classRadioButton: Button()
That’s why you need empty parentheses after the name of the superclass. Note the difference with interfaces: interfaces don’t have constructors, so if you implement an interface, you never put parentheses after its name in the supertype list. p93
If you want to ensure that your class can’t be instantiated by other code, you have to make the constructor private
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classSecretiveprivateconstructor() {}
// or classSecretive { privateconstructor() }
// or use : companion objects
secondary constructor The below class doesn’t declare a primary constructor (as you can tell because there are no parentheses after the class name in the class header), but it declares two secondary constructors. A secondary constructor is introduced using the constructor keyword You can declare as many secondary constructors as you need.
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openclassView { constructor(ctx: Context) { // some code }
constructor(ctx: Context, attr: AttributeSet) { // some code } }
If you want to extend this class, you can declare the same constructors:
If the class has no primary constructor, then each secondary constructor has to initialize the base class or delegate to another constructor that does so. Thinking in terms of the previous figures, each secondary constructor must have an outgoing arrow starting a path that ends at any constructor of the base class. p96
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classUser(val name: String) { var address: String = "unspecified" set(value: String) { println(""" Address was changed for $name: "$field" -> "$value".""".trimIndent()) field = value } }
In the body of the setter, you use the special identifier field to access the value of the backing field. In a getter, you can only read the value; and in a setter, you can both read and modify it. In the body of the setter, you use the special identifier field to access the value of the backing field. In a getter, you can only read the value; and in a setter, you can both read and modify it. Note that you can redefine only one of the accessors for a mutable property. The getter in the previous example is trivial and just returns the field value, so you didn’t need to redefine it p99
In Kotlin, == is the default way to compare two objects: it compares their values by calling equals under the hood. Thus, if equals is overridden in your class, you can safely compare its instances using == . For reference comparison, you can use the === operator, which works exactly thesame as == in Java. p102
Note that properties that aren’t declared in the primary constructor don’t take part in the equality checks and hashcode calculation. p104
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- You use the field identifier to reference a property backing field from the accessor body. - Data classes provide compiler-generated equals() , hashCode() , toString() , copy() , and other methods. - Companion objects (along with package-level functions and properties) replace Java’s static method and field definitions. - Companion objects, like other objects, can implement interfaces or have extension functions or properties. - Object expressions are Kotlin’s replacement for Java’s anonymous inner classes, with added power such as the ability to implement multiple interfaces and to modify the variables defined in the scope where the object is created.
{x:Int, y:Int -> x+y}
A lambda expression in Kotlin is always surrounded by curly braces. Note that there are no parentheses around the arguments. The arrow separates the argument list from the body of the lambda. p122
The road of improvement
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dataclassPerson(val name: String, val age: Int) val people = listOf(Person("lisi", 18), Person("wangwu", 15)) people.maxBy({p:Person -> p.age})
In Kotlin, a syntactic convention lets you move a lambda expression out of parentheses if it’s the last argument in a function call. In this example, the lambda is the only argument, so it can be placed after the parentheses:
people.maxBy() { p: Person -> p.age }
When the lambda is the only argument to a function, you can also remove the empty parentheses from the call:
1 2
// If a lambda is the only argument, you’ll definitely want to write it without the parentheses. people.maxBy { p: Person -> p.age }
As with local variables, if the type of a lambda parameter can be inferred, you don’t need to specify it explicitly.
people.maxBy { p -> p.age }
The last simplification you can make in this example is to replace an argument with the default argument name: it . This name is generated if the context expects a lambda with only one argument, and its type can be inferred:
peopel.maxBy {it.age}
One important difference between Kotlin and Java is that in Kotlin, you aren’t restricted to accessing final variables. You can also modify variables from within a lambda. The next example counts the number of client and server errors in the given set of response status codes:
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funprintProblemCounts(responses: Collection<String>) { var clientErrors = 0 var serverErrors = 0 responses.forEach { if (it.startsWith("4")) { clientErrors++ } elseif (it.startsWith("5")) { serverErrors++ } } println("$clientErrors client errors, $serverErrors server errors") }
Note that, by default, the lifetime of a local variable is constrained by the function in which the variable is declared. But if it’s captured by the lambda, the code that uses this variable can be stored and executed later. You may ask how this works. When you capture a final variable, is value is stored together with the lambda code that uses it. For non-final variables, the value is enclosed in a special wrapper that lets you change it, and the reference to the wrapper is stored together with the lambda. p127
An important caveat is that, if a lambda is used as an event handler or is otherwise executed asynchronously, the modifications to local variables will occur only when the lambda is executed. For example, the following code isn’t a correct way to count button clicks:
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funtryToCountButtonClicks(button: Button): Int { var clicks = 0 button.onClick { clicks++ } return clicks // always return 0, you should store the clicks variable // in a location that remains accessible outside of the function }
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// smaple1 people.filter { it.age == people.maxBy(Person::age).age } // not work well with performance, because calculate maxAge everytime
// sample2 val maxAge = people.maxBy(Person::age).age // work well, only compulate once people.filter { it.age == maxAge }
Don’t repeat a calculation if you don’t need to! Simple-looking code using lambda expressions can sometimes obscure the complexity of the underlying operations, so always keep in mind what is happening in the code you write. p133
The entry point for lazy collection operations in Kotlin is the Sequence interface. The interface represents just that: a sequence of elements that can be enumerated one by one. Sequence provides only one method, iterator , that you can use to obtain the values from the sequence.
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people.asSequence() // the lazy way more efficient than eager way when there are a million data. .map(Person::name) .filter { it.startsWith("A") } .toList()
Note As a rule, use a sequence whenever you have a chain of operations on a large collection. In section 8.2, we’ll discuss why eager operations on regular collections are efficient in Kotlin, in spite of creating intermediate collections. But if the collection contains a large number of elements, the intermediate rearranging of elements costs a lot, so lazy evaluation is preferable. p139
The order of the operations you perform on a collection can affect performance as well. If map goes first, each element is transformed. If you apply filter first, inappropriate elements are filtered out as soon as possible and aren’t transformed. p141
SAM: single abstract method p144
In addition to returning values, SAM constructors are used when you need to store a functional interface instance generated from a lambda in a variable. Suppose you want to reuse one listener for several buttons, as in the following example (in an Android application, this code can be a part of the Activity.onCreate method):
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val listener = OnClickListener { view -> val text = when ( { -> "First button" -> "Second button" else -> "Unknown button" } toast(text) } button1.setOnClickListener(listener) button2.setOnClickListener(listener)
Note that there’s no this in a lambda as there is in an anonymousobject: there’s no way to refer to the anonymous class instance into which the lambda is converted. From the compiler’s point of view, the lambda is a block of code, not an object, and you can’t refer to it as an object. The 'this' reference in a lambda refers to a surrounding class. p148
If your event listener needs to unsubscribe itself while handling an event, you can’t use a lambda for that. Use an anonymous object to implement a listener, instead. In an anonymous object, the this keyword refers to the instance of that object, and you can pass it to the API that removes the listener.
To reiterate, a type without a question mark denotes that variables of this type can’t store null references. This means all regular types are non- null by default, unless explicitly marked as nullable. p156
make release-server GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make release-client GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make release-client GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm make release-client GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 make release-client
LiveData is an observable data holder class. Unlike a regular observable, LiveData is lifecycle-aware, meaning it respects the lifecycle of other app components, such as activities, fragments, or services.
The ViewModel class is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way. The ViewModel class allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.
// LoginFragment.onViewCreated Log.e("TTAG", "from LoginFragment, the init liveData is: ${LoginLiveData.get().value}") LoginLiveData.get().observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { Log.e("TTAG", "from LoginFragment, the liveData changed: $it") }) Handler().postDelayed({ LoginLiveData.get().apply { value = LoginInfo("login", "login", "") } }, 2000)
// WelcomeFragment.onViewCreated Log.e("TTAG", "from LoginFragment, the init liveData is: ${LoginLiveData.get().value}") LoginLiveData.get().observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { Log.e("TTAG", "from LoginFragment, the liveData changed: $it") }) Handler().postDelayed({ LoginLiveData.get().apply { value = LoginInfo("login", "login", "") } }, 2000)
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# 首次进入welcome E/TTAG: from WelcomeFragment, the init liveData is: null E/TTAG: from WelcomeFragment, the liveData changed:LoginInfo(account=welcome, pwd=welcome, # 点击进入login E/TTAG: from LoginFragment, the init liveData is: LoginInfo(account=welcome, pwd=welcome, E/TTAG: from LoginFragment, the liveData changed: LoginInfo(account=welcome, pwd=welcome, E/TTAG: from LoginFragment, the liveData changed: LoginInfo(account=login, pwd=login,
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: Error attempting to get column ‘content’ from result set. Cause: java.sql.SQLDataException: Cannot convert string ‘2202’ to java.sql.Timestamp value