基本用法 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CREATE DATABASE testdb OWNER dbuser; \l \c testdb CREATE TABLE student(id int, name varchar(20), birth_date date ); \d \d student \d+ student INSERT INTO student(id , name, birth_date) values(1, 'a' , '2010-10-10' ); INSERT INTO student(id , name, birth_date) values(2, 'b' , '2010-10-12' ); SELECT * FROM student; UPDATE student SET name='aa' WHERE id = 1; UPDATE student SET name='bb' WHERE id = 2; DELETE FROM student where id = 1; DROP TABLE student;
安装 1 2 sudo apt-get install postgresql-client sudo apt-get install postgresql
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \h:查看SQL命令的解释,比如\h select 。 \?:查看psql命令列表。 \l:列出所有数据库。 \c [database_name]:连接其他数据库。 \d:列出当前数据库的所有表格。 \d [table_name]:列出某一张表格的结构。 \du :列出所有用户。 \e:打开文本编辑器。 \conninfo:列出当前数据库和连接的信息。
enable remote connection
sudo service postgresql restart
Permission denied for relation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 psql - U postgres - d exampledb - h 127.0 .0 .1 - p 5432 ; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES user_tbl TO dbuser;psql - U dbuser - d exampledb - h 127.0 .0 .1 - p 5432 ;
命令 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26277356/how-to-get-current-database-and-user-name-using-a-select-in-postgresql/26277430
1 select current_database();
pgcli https://www.pgcli.com/config
注意 在修改某个字段类型之前,最好删除这个字段的约束, 修改完后再把合适的约束添加上去。《PostgreSQL 修炼之道》p166
插入或更新 1 INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (1 ,'n1' , '{15200000000, 15200000001}' , 'shenzhen' ) on conflict (id) do UPDATE set phone = excluded.phone;
插入数组 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 create TABLE contacts( id int primary key, name varchar (40 ), phone varchar (32 )[], address text); INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (1 ,'n1' , '{15200000000, 15200000001}' , 'shenzhen' )
批量插入数据 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 create table student(student_no int , student_name varchar (20 ), age int , class_no int );INSERT INTO student select generate_series(1 ,23 ), concat('s' ,generate_series(1 ,23 )),18 , 1 on conflict (student_no) do update set student_name= excluded.student_name, age= excluded.age, class_no= excluded.class_no;
1 ALTER DATABASE lou SET search_path TO lou, osdba,postgres,public