

  • Adblock Plus


  • Auto Tab Discard

    Auto Tab Discard a lightweight extension that uses the native method (tabs.discard) to unload or discard browser tabs which significantly reduces the memory footprint of your browser when many tabs are in use.

  • Gesturefy

    Navigate, operate and browse faster with mouse gestures! A customizable mouse gesture add-on with a variety of different commands.

  • HightlightAll

    Highlights all occurrences of the selected text.

  • Markdown Link

    Generates a markdown link from title and URI of the current page. (alt + insert)

  • Octotree

    Github code tree on steroids

  • Proxy SwitchyOmega

    proxy setting

  • Remove Redirect

    Remove intermediary pages that some pages use before redirecting to a final page.

  • FeHelper

    FE 助手:JSON 工具、代码美化、代码压缩、二维码工具、网页定制工具、便签笔记,等等

  • ScrollAnywhere

    Drag scrollbar with your middle mouse button anywhere on the page. Supports also “grab and drag” style and Momentum.

  • Vimiue

    The Hacker’s Browser. Vimium provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.

firefox 设置每次访问时检查缓存

  1. 在 firefox 的地址栏上输入 about:config 回车
  2. 找到 browser.cache.check_doc_frequency 选项,双击将
  3. 改成 1 保存即可。

0: Once per session 每个进程一次 每次启动 Firefox 时检查
1: Each time 【开发人员强烈建议开这个】每次访问此页时检查
2: Never
3: When appropriate/automatically